
What Members Get

Your membership fees and donations, along with sponsorship contributions, enable us to create the events and community that fans of the E30 chassis deserve, from east to west coast and everywhere in between. Partnered with the largest online E30 community in the world,, your membership grants you access to the same perks that a regional chapter would offer such as:

  • Award-winning Monthly 128+ page Roundel magazine called the “Best car club magazine” by Car and Driver.
  • Members are eligible for rebates of up to $1,500 on the purchase or lease of a new BMW
  • Access to in house BMW Certified Technicians available to help you through your E30 issues whether it be motor swaps, or general troubleshooting. 
  • Discounts on BMW Performance Center programs
  • Parts & Service discounts from participating dealers
  • Discounts on automotive accessories, hotels, travel, insurance, and more!
  • Rebates of up to $750 on BMW Motorcycles
  • Weekly BimmerLife email newsletter with info on events, new models, and special offers
  • Meet other BMW owners, talk cars, and learn more about them
  • Technical Service Advisors (TSAs) provide technical help with your BMW.
  • The Roundel Magazine app and BMW CCA events app at your fingertips
  • Over 500+ members-only events a year
  • Dinners and cocktail receptions at amazing venues across the US
  • High-Performance Driving Events at world-class racing facilities
  • Member exclusive events during Monterey Car Week
  • National events, driving tours, meetups, cars & coffee events
  • Corrals at IMSA Pro Racing events
  • Opportunities to win prizes from our industry partners like Michelin, Shell, Griot’s and more!
  • Chance to participate in our annual car raffle.

How To Join

Existing BMW CCA Members:

If you are a member of the BMW Car Club of America, you may add a secondary chapter to your existing membership. The cost is only $15 per year, which is prorated from your original join date. Call the BMW CCA Hotline and request to add us at 1-800-878-9292. This is the easiest option. Hours are 8AM-5PM EST Monday through Friday. Leave a message for a callback if no one answers.

New BMW CCA Members:

If you are new to the BMW Car Club of America, you may select us as your home chapter when signing up online at the BMWCCA website. Just click Join in the middle of the page. The cost for a one year membership is $58, 3 years is $159, and additional options are available from there.